Saturday, October 10, 2009


Gotta love these guys! I took little A's newborn pics, now she's 10 months. How did that happen? More to come!


AMAZING!! What a beauty! Jayna and I had a great morning photographing best friends. I had the privilege of "shooting" Adriana. She has such a sweet, gentle spirit and I loved getting to know her and capturing her beauty!

Friday, October 9, 2009


I watched this little man from the time he was 5 months old til around his 2nd bday. He's now 3.5 and cuter than ever. What a charmer he is and those eyes...ahhh! What an amazing morning and location. Who would have known, red trees in Colorado. We got some great shots and he told me all about volcanoes and trains during our shoot!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Seriously, how cute are these girls? So darn cute! What a great day. We were able to drive up towards the Black Canyon to their relatives property and get some great shots. The girls were so helpful with giving pose and location ideas. It was great to meet you gals, I had such a great time. Next time, downtown!